The trickle-down theory of pushing people around. A ten-minute play about the way bullying behavior is passed down and passed along – and not restricted to the playground. Commissioned by Dramatic Publishing and included in its anthology, The Bully Plays.
Published as part of The Bully Plays by Dramatic Publishing.

- Published as part of The Bully Plays by Dramatic Publishing.
The play is expandable and playable with a single sturdy table which could double as desk, dining room table, bus, etc.
Run Time: 10 minutes
Cast of Characters:
The play can be performed by as few as four or as many as eight to 10 actors covering the following roles:
- EVERETT BLEDSOE (THE BOSS), a sales director for a beauty products supply company.
- SMEDLEY, an ineffective salesman for the company.
- JUNIOR, Smedley’s son, 12.
- DARLA, his daughter, 14
- MARCIE, a girl on the school bus.
- THE GANG – as much a mentality as a group, to be performed by one to three or more actors.
- NICKLES, a school administrator
Multiple productions, including Omaha Theatre Company.