“We live in dreams, don't we?”

1896. Washington, D.C. An undercover detective discovers the doomed romance that drove a fellow police officer to murder his own captain. But will the sweet memories surrendered by a lonely dance-hall girl be enough to save his friend from the gallows?
Published in: 30 Plays for Passionate Actors

- Published in Thirty Short Plays for Passionate Actors (All-Original Play Publishing, 2017).
THE TIME: 1896, spring.
THE PLACE: A corner pub in an Irish slum. This one is the Swampoodle section of Washington, D.C., once notorious for vice, crime, and ignorance … now long gone.
Run Time: 10 minutes
1 F, 2 M
Cast of Characters:
- ANGUS, a barman.
- CUSTOMER, a mysterious gentleman with a secret agenda.
- SILE (pronounced ‘Sheila’), an Irish immigrant, anywhere between 19 and 30.
- Commissioned and produced by Rorschach Theatre, Washington, D.C., March 2012